
What Does it Mean to be a Public Benefit Corporation?

What Does it Mean to be a Public Benefit Corporation?

Many of you know about Savhera’s mission to diffuse dignity in every bottle and offer employment to survivors of human trafficking. What you may not know is how we do it. Savhera is a public benefit corporation.

Unfortunately, millions of men, women, and children all over the world still face dehumanizing work conditions, sometimes conditions they were trafficked into through force, fraud, or coercion. Thankfully, public benefit corporations offer an empowering alternative for survivors, employees, and customers alike.

What is a Public Benefit Corporation?

A public benefit corporation is a legal incorporation, available in 30 states, which allows organizations like Savhera to identify a purpose beyond profit. According to, becoming a public benefit corporation “protects mission through capital raises and leadership changes, creates more flexibility when evaluating potential sale and liquidity options, and prepares businesses to lead a mission-driven life post-IPO,” according to Being a public benefit corporation combines business with justice and puts our mission at the forefront. 

Public benefit corporations (PBCs) are on the rise and becoming an ever-more popular way to conduct business due to increasing demands for socially conscious business practices. According to the 2016 Deloitte Millennial Survey, more than half of millennials refuse to work for certain companies “because of its values or standard of conduct.” This emphasis on values is also important for older employees. Deloitte found 64% of people in senior positions cite their values and morals as the greatest determining factor on work decisions and their goals are “to rebalance business priorities by putting people before profit.” 

How Savhera is a public benefit corporation

As of 2017, public benefit corporations have been adopted in Texas and are on the rise. Savhera is proud to be one of these organizations.

We are dedicated to employing and empowering survivors of sexual exploitation. We value a workplace that is supportive, encourages growth, and helps our employees succeed in all aspects of their lives.

Every purchase of Savhera products you make directly contributes to this workplace and combats human trafficking by creating dignified employment.

Will you help us create a world where dignity is diffused in every workplace?

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