
Why We're Grateful This Thanksgiving

Why We're Grateful This Thanksgiving

It has truly been a remarkable first year for the Savhera community, and here's a few of the things for which we're giving thanks this holiday weekend.
We're grateful for our entire team around the world, all of whom have worked tirelessly to launch this enterprise with excellence; and we're especially thankful for Pushpa, whose bold, powerful demand for dignified employment was the catalyst that set in motion this "new beginning."
We're grateful for the numerous other individuals who have invested time, talent, and treasure in helping us launch Savhera with the necessary insights, assets, and strategic direction to successfully bring to market incredible products that diffuse dignity around the world.

We're grateful for Shakti Vahini, our NGO partner in Delhi. Without their decades of visionary and courageous work to counter human trafficking, Savhera would not exist; without their continued partnership, we could not provide dignified employment to the growing number of women on our team.
We're grateful for our many new wellness partners, who have been doing groundbreaking work in the essential oil and aromatherapy space for years, and who have come alongside us this year, encouraging us in our mission, sharing their expertise, and aiding us in bringing to market quality products that are pure, organic, and create "a new beginning in every bottle."
We're grateful for friends in the press who have caught the vision of using business as a force for good, and have told the Savhera story with passion and excellence, such as here and here.
But we're especially grateful for you, our customers--for your passion for wellness and justice, for shopping smart and sustainably, for using your purchases to diffuse dignity in your own homes and the homes of people around the world. It is you who has made Savhera a thriving community that will change the course of lives here and around the globe for years to come.
So thank you, and we hope that you find rest, inspiration, and rejuvenation as you reflect on gratitude this Thanksgiving!

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