
Diffuser Blends for Rainy Days

a person in the background snoozes in bed on a rainy day while a stone diffuser in the foreground diffuses essential oils

Need an uplifting diffuser blend to pair with rainy days? Dreary weather can sometimes be cozy, but rainy days can also contribute to low energy and mood swings. Of course, some rainy days are meant for snuggling in bed and reading a book. Other days, we can’t swing a day off. If you have trouble staying motivated and energized on rainy days, these uplifting diffuser blends can help. 

Decrease Fatigue & Increase Focus 

  • 5 drops rosemary 
  • 3 drops eucalyptus 
  • 3 drops lemon 
  • 2 drops peppermint 

Energy & Motivation 

Positivity & Cheerfulness 

Why Do These Diffuser Blends Work for Rainy Days? 

Whether it’s actually raining outside or you just feel gloomy, the right diffuser blend can make a difference. Let’s take a look at why the diffuser blends above work to increase energy and combat lethargy.  

EucalyptusEucalyptus essential oil produces a soothing effect in aromatherapy, but also stimulates the brain and improves energy levels! Eucalyptus is a wonderful essential oil for any blend intended to promote energy and positivity. 

Orange and Lemon – Bright and sunny by nature, citrus essential oils like orange and lemon can improve mood and increase energy levels. Studies show that orange and lemon essential oils can combat symptoms of stress. Stress is often what keeps us from the positive mood and productive days that we desire. Why not give these cheery citrus oils a try? 

Peppermint – Peppermint is a crowd-pleasing all-natural energy booster! Peppermint essential oil can decrease fatigue, improve mood, and even help with workout performance. 

Rosemary – Rosemary contains cineole, a compound that naturally boosts energy by increasing the flow of blood to the brain. Studies show that rosemary essential oil can increase focus and attention span, and even improve memory! 

Lemongrass – Lemongrass invigorates the senses, helping you stay alert and energized. Lemongrass essential oil is calming without being sedative, perfect for days when you’re feeling a little down. 

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