
7 Ways YOU Can Combat Trafficking From Experts

7 Ways YOU Can Combat Trafficking From Experts

This World Day Against Trafficking we asked 7 anti-trafficking leaders the same question, "What can I do to combat human trafficking?"

Here are their full responses

"Vote with your dollars! Purchases and donations to anti-trafficking orgs helps advance justice and supports survivors."

Savhera Wellness - Organic Wellness that provides dignified employment to survivors in The U.S. and India

"Pick your favorite anti-trafficking agency. Setup subscription giving so that the agency has the necessary resources when the next survivor is ready to flee from their trafficker. How much? Start with the amount you pay to stream entertainment. Now in the same way you might subscribe to Netflix, you're subscribing to a safer community for yourself and others!"

Unbound North Texas- Survivor support and resources for the community to fight human trafficking and ignite hope.

"Don't stop learning about the real issues of trafficking! We can't take effective action if we don't understand the complex reality of what victims are facing."

Traffick 911- Rescue youth from sex trafficking in North Texas

"Bring awareness & education when you choose fashion with a purpose. When you make the switch to survivor-made & ethical brands, you decrease the demand of human trafficking from exploitive companies."

Tirza Design- Survivor-made, Fair Trade jewelry

"Share! One of the best ways to multiply freedom is to encourage your circle of influence to follow businesses and organizations that are combatting human trafficking! Spread the word!"

Freedom Society Collective- Lifestyle brand that employs and trains survivors and those at risk of being trafficked

"Commit to walking alongside survivors for the long haul, no matter how long restoration takes."

The Net- Anti-trafficking non-profit fighting for a world where girls are not for sale

"Learn to recognize the signs. Most survivors of human trafficking were not kidnapped. Or duct-taped. Or locked in a room with a dirty mattress. The reality is that a survivor could live right next door or might even be standing right next to you in the grocery store line. They might have children that go to school with your child. They might play high school sports and come home every night for dinner. You might not notice because most of us are caught up in myths that keep us from seeing what is happening right under our noses. We hear sensational stories about someone being kidnapped in a parking lot or held captive in a secured room and we miss how traffickers are actually luring their victims every day in our very own communities. By dispelling myths and spreading awareness, we can work to keep our kids safe and we can help victims get the assistance they need. We must do better, for us and for them. To learn how to protect your loved ones and to spot harmful myths regarding human trafficking, visit and download our free Trafficking Truths eCourse."

A partner of The Rebecca Bender Initiative- Abigail Eernisse
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1 comment

  • Yes. Also, raise awareness! Since 99% of those trafficked are never rescued, we must prevent the vulnerable from being taken, hold them back.

    D Spencer

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