It's so exciting to be a start-up in the essential oil space right now! The market is growing, knowledge and research is increasing, and consumers are demanding organic, sustainable products from transparent, ethical companies. Savhera is perfectly positioned to fill the gap and meet these needs!
But we couldn't do it without partnerships with other innovative start-ups. There is one in particular that we want to introduce you to because they are key as we continue to solidify our reputation as the most ethical, transparent, sustainable, and socially-conscious essential oil brand on the market.

Dropsmith is an innovative, forward-thinking company out of Slovenia and the world's largest aggregator of GC/MS essential oil test results. As such, they are pushing the industry into greater transparency, which is a good thing for everyone.
There are hundreds of unscrupulous brands selling what you think are "essential oils" but are actually laced with junk like adulterants, dilutants, and contaminants. If a company is unwilling to share the GC/MS test results with you (preferably test results from an independent testing lab, such as PhytoChemia or Essential Validation Services), there is probably a reason why and you should be suspicious and walk away.
Savhera publishes our test results for every lot of essential oils on our website. In addition to this, and to ensure maximum transparency, we have also partnered with Dropsmith to publish our test results on its site. This allows aromatherapists and others to identify constituents in our oils and make informed choices, mix the best blends, and compare our oils with other brands.
We are thrilled to be partnered with Dropsmith and excited about participating in a movement to bring greater transparency and excellence to the essential oil marketplace.