
Redeem and Renew

Redeem and Renew

With new years come new beginnings, and with new beginnings come redemption.

At Savhera, we are committed to creating new beginnings in every bottle. As we begin this new year, we invite you to help us make 2021 the year of redemption and renewal. 

Redemption is an often misunderstood word. While it often means “deliverance from sin” it is also a deliverance from mental and spiritual bondage. It derives from the Latin redemptionem which means "a buying back, releasing, or ransoming’. 

In 2021, we are buying back dignity and releasing ourselves from the burdens of 2020. 

Redemption is not just forgiving mistakes or overcoming adversity, it is also regeneration and regrowth. In order to regenerate, we must be willing to surrender some parts of ourselves in order to become reformed or reborn. 

In our book of meditations Diffusing Dignity, we meditate on the meaning of redemption and how to achieve it:

“The process of regeneration occurs only after some difficulty. In other words, redemption is not about going from glory to glory, but rather for gory to glory! But it does and will occur. There is ample evidence to suggest that nothing is ever so broken, so raw, so damaged that something new, beautiful and exquisite cannot be made from it.”

Redemption does not come with a drop of a ball or the turn of a calendar, it comes from within. 

Savhera is dedicated to spiritual and financial redemption by employing and empowering survivors of sexual exploitation. Every purchase of Savhera products you make directly contributes to this workplace and combats human trafficking by creating dignified employment.

Will you help us create “a new beginning in every bottle” this year?

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