
6 Open Airways Uses for Sinus Issues

6 Open Airways Uses for Sinus Issues

Seasonal allergies, congestion, and breathing difficulties are a problem that many of us face. That’s why we decided to create a custom essential oil blend for the respiratory system. 

Whether you have allergies or sinus issues related to the common cold, our Open Airways essential oil blend was designed to help you reclaim better breathing. 

Open Airways is a unique and powerful blend of organic eucalyptus, organic peppermint, organic pine needle, organic tea tree, organic lemon, organic laurel leaf, and organic cardamom. 

Here are 6 ways you can use our Open Airways respiratory blend to help you breathe easy even when congestion strikes. 

  1. Add to a bath – For those days when you’re battling allergies or sinus issues, Open Airways is a great addition to a calming bath. Add 5-10 drops to a warm bath while the water is still running. Take deep breaths and remember to take care of your body! 
  2. Add to diffuser – For continual relief for sinus issues throughout the day and night, add 3-5 drops of Open Airways to your diffuser and leave in your living room, workstation, or bedroom.  
  3. Steam diffuser – If you don’t have a diffuser, you can add a few drops of Open Airways to a bowl of hot water. Drape a towel over your head and the bowl and breathe deeply. Just be careful of hot steam burns. 
  4. Add to your car diffuser when heading out – If you can’t hibernate on your sick day, add Open Airways to your car diffuser so that you can clear your respiratory system on the go. 
  5. Add to your face mask – Dab a few drops of Open Airways to the inside of your face mask for easier breathing wherever your day takes you, whether it’s a long shift or a long flight. 
  6. Shower steamer – We all know the power of a quick shower! Open Airways can make your shower even more invigorating. Make a DIY shower steamer with Open Airways for those days when your sinus system is struggling or you just need an extra boost! The eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemon essential oils in Open Airways are also natural energizers. 
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