
DIY Fabric Softener + Laundry Detergent with Essential Oils

DIY Fabric Softener + Laundry Detergent with Essential Oils

Traditional laundry detergents and fabric softeners are expensive, and often full of ingredients that pose health risks to the body – not to mention the planet. Many store-bought laundry detergents contain benzene – a chemical that has been linked to cancer. The CDC released a public health statement about the toxic and hazardous nature of  1,4-Dioxane, another ingredient commonly found in detergents.

The benefits of making a DIY, all-natural switch

With homemade detergent and fabric softener, you can control the ingredients. These recipes are better for you, better for the environment, and better for your clothes! Avoiding the harsh chemicals helps your clothes last longer since they’re being treated with gentler laundry ingredients. 

Fabric Softener Recipe


  • 16 ounces white vinegar 
  • 10 drops of your favorite organic essential oils. 
  • An easy-pour container that holds at least 16 ounces. Make sure that you use a container that is safe for essential oils. Essential oils can sometimes leach into lower-quality plastics. Make sure you use glass, steel, or HDPE plastic to store your DIY essential oil products. 


  1. Fill your container halfway with vinegar. 
  2. Add oils! 
  3. Stir well or shake to mix.
  4. Top with remaining vinegar.
  5. Let sit at least one week before using. 
  6. Use between 2 tablespoons and ¼ cups of mixture for each wash, depending on the size of your load. 
  7. Add the mixture to the fabric softener slot in your washing machine, or add manually at the rinse cycle. 

Detergent Recipe


  • 1 bar grated castile soap (you can also use a food processor to break it down) 
  • 2 cups washing soda (look for this on the laundry aisle!)
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 10-15 drops organic lemon essential oil 
  • 10-15 drops organic Divine Dreams blend essential oil 


Combine all ingredients and store in an airtight container made of glass or high-quality HDPE plastic. Use ¼ cup for full loads and a little less for smaller loads. 

Wondering which oils to use?

Our team loves using our Tracy’s Grace blend, which has a calming and fresh scent of citrus, lavender, and rosemary. But you can experiment with any combination of oils you love.

Organic eucalyptus, organic lemon, and organic orange are all uplifting crisp scents. Organic lavender essential oil has a relaxing aroma. If you’re washing sheets or pajamas, our Divine Dreams blend will help set the cozy vibes. 

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