
A Culture of Kindness

A Culture of Kindness

Kindness is one of our values at Savhera. As simple as the concept may appear, it is actually layered with meaning.

The word "kind" is derived from an Old English root meaning "family." It shares the same origin as "kinfolk" or "kindred," as in "kindred spirit."

Kindness is more than just courtesy. To be kind is a choice to treat someone as family.

That is precisely what we practice at Savhera.

Our employees and customers alike come to Savhera because they are seeking a culture of kindness. To both share and receive it.

To find like-minded kindred spirits and a "family" of passionate individuals dedicated to diffusing dignity and kindness around the world.

At Savhera, every day is a “new beginning” where our employees congregate like a second family and commune in kindness with each other and strangers alike through our mission and product.

Cultivating (Kin)dness

In Diffusing Dignity, our book of meditations, our founders write, “Kind words have the power to change the trajectory of someone’s day, and compounded over time can change someone’s life.”

When we say “a new beginning in every bottle,” we mean we are diffusing dignity and sharing kindness with our words, our actions, and each bottle of essential oil or diffusing product we make.

And every purchase you make is an act of kindness for the survivors of sex trafficking we employ.

One of a "Kind"

We are dedicated to cultivating kindness by empowering and employing survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation in a workplace that is unified, supportive, and helps our employees succeed in all aspects of their lives.

Above all, we promise to treat each other like "kin"––like family, like kindred spirits––and that promise extends to each and every one of our customers.

Become part of the Savhera family today and help us cultivate a culture of kindness in homes and workplaces around the world!

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