
Meet Jyoti

Meet Jyoti

Jyoti is one of Savhera’s Production Associates in our Delhi, India facility. She is originally from West Bengal, but has been in Delhi for the past thirty years, eighteen of those on GB Road, one of Delhi’s oldest and largest red light districts.

It was a life of pain and suffering.

“It was horrific on GB Road. In the brothels, women on their period or even pregnant still must work, sometimes without food. Three or four days after having a baby, a woman must perform sex work. HIV spreads widely.”

“I was sick and often in pain.”

Since coming to Savhera, however, Jyoti has enjoyed dignity, healing, and a new beginning.

“At Savhera, my dignified employment includes yoga, wellness, clean and orderly working conditions, and eating healthy meals as a team.”

This is fitting, as Jyoti is the team member that chose the name “Savhera” for our company. It is a Hindi word meaning “morning” and “new beginning,” and she is developing into a strong leader who will help create new beginnings for many more women around the world.

“I am so proud that I named our company Savhera! I never thought Vanessa would select the name I chose, but now when we are all working together I feel so happy and proud. The more women who join us, the happier I will be.”

Her favorite essential oil is organic lavender essential oil.

You can hear more from Jyoti in videos here and here, and we’d love to hear from you how her voice has encouraged you today! Drop us a note!

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