


Hi! Thanks for visiting our blog. We’re glad you’re here and we’re eager to share information and inspiration with you as we together experience new beginnings in every bottle!

Here’s a little bit about us.

Savhera is an essential oil social enterprise that provides dignified employment for formerly sexually exploited women in India and the United States. Our company was birthed out of a promise to a woman in Delhi to help her find “dignified employment to get out of this dirty business,” and we are sustained in that mission every day by our promise to our customers to provide them with premium essential oil products. Dignified employment and premium essential oils—together they create “new beginnings in every bottle”!

We hope our Diffusing Dignity blog will help you navigate this world and become both a more informed consumer and more inspiring leader. We’re on this journey with you, and we’re eager to share thoughts and findings as we explore complex and constantly evolving topics like wellness, sustainability, human trafficking, economic development, healing, and personal growth.

Over the next few months we’ll be sharing with you some of the reasons behind the decisions we make as a company, like why we choose not to sell our products in certain places or why we don’t share pictures of some of our employees’ faces. We’ll discuss with you popular culture and our role as consumers of media. We’ll also explore ways that we can shop more thoughtfully and ethically, and share with you stories about other companies and leaders we love and respect. We’ll provide you with helpful information about our premium essential oils and how you can use them. And of course, we’ll share inspiring stories about our employees and other women around the world who are overcoming incredible trauma and adversity and now diffusing dignity all around them.

So again, welcome! Shop our products, browse the site, follow us on social media. You’re part of the Savhera community, so from all of us in the U.S. and India: “Namaste!”

What specific topics would you like to see covered in this blog? Comment below!

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